The Yahrzeit Interactive PDF Reminder Letter system allows you to create PDF Letters to be printed. The system is very similar to the Email Reminder System.

PDF Letters are printed from the list of Yahrzeit Names in the Admin console. To print next month's letters simple search for that date range and THEN print the letters.

In order to Print letter we will use the Print menu and choose “Observer PDFs”

Yahrzeit Interactive will then print Yahrzeit Letters based on several criteria

  1. The Yahrzeit Name is in the Search List
  2. The Yahrzeit Name has an Observer or multiple observers to send letters to
  3. Those Observers are set to receive Yahrzeit Letters (By default they are).

The system will output a single PDF with all of the Yahrzeit Letters and a report at the end, which if you are using Chrome might look like this this image:


Editing PDF Letters works the same as editing Email Letters and has 3 main parts - logo, graphic design and text.


Your organization’s logo was created and uploaded by Yahrzeit Interactive when we created your account. If you’d like to use a different logo or have any questions we’d be happy to assist you. Please contact Yahrzeit Interactive for more information.


The PDF Reminder Letter system currently supports 6 graphic designs to choose from. These can be found in the Settings menu. To change graphic designs simply click on the design you would like and hit SAVE CHANGES


Graphics and logos can be placed on different parts of the page to help fit your design to your existing letterhead or template. Choosing "No Logo" or "No Graphic" will remove those elements from the final product as well as removing the margins associated with those objects.


Further down the page you will find the text elements of your PDF Reminder Letter.

PDF Letter Body : Here we write out the main portion of our letter. This text can include basic formatting, centering of text and simple font styles.

PDF Letter Footer : The footer appears at the bottom of the letter and is intended for contact information, but could also be used for an inspirational quote or saying.


If your organization uses windowed envelopes to send Yahrzeit Letters you can include address labels with your PDF print. All of your Observers will need valid addresses in the Yahrzeit Interactive database. If no address is found Yahrzeit Interactive will print the name in the appropriate place and leave the rest blank.

When address labels are enabled the PDF Letter text will begin ⅓ of the way down the page to be under the first fold and leave room for the address labels.

Address labels can be enabled and disabled by entering the Settings > Observer PDFs menu, changing the setting and hitting SAVE CHANGES.

If the current Address label options do not fit your envelopes - please contact Yahrzeit Interactive.


Many organizations use custom letterhead to print letters on. In these situations it is necessary to print letters without graphics or logos. To set up a letter to print on premade letterhead first measure the margins your letterhead will require starting in the upper left corner of the page.

Next enter the settings menu (Settings > Observer PDFs) and change the Logo Location to “No Logo” and the Graphic Location to “No Graphic”.

Next scroll down to the Options and find the Page Margins - Page Margin Left, Page Margin Right and Page Margin Top. Enter the dimensions required for Page Margins in Inches. For fractions like ½ an inch - please use decimal values ie. 0.5. These page dimensions describe where the main letter text will start and be bounded by - they do not affect the placement of an Address Label or Footer if those are enabled.


Using Variables in your letter text allows us to dynamically replace certain general ideas, ie. {{fullName}} or {{yahrzeitDate}}, with specific, unique information in each letter. Yahrzeit Interactive supports a very, very long list of variables and these can be found at the bottom of the PDF Settings page.

Any piece of text wrapped in double curly brackets like this - {{exampleVariable}} - will be treated as a variable at print time and our system will try to match the text inside the double curly brackets with a known variable in our system. If we can’t find that variable name we will print a fairly obvious error message “ERROR ::: {exampleVariable} IS AN UNSUPPORTED VARIABLE”.

Yahrzeit Interactive is more than happy to help you convert your existing Yahrzeit Letter into our system with the appropriate Variable names.


There are a number of options available in the reminder letter system including Font Size, Line Heights, Fonts and more.